Apprenticeship Frameworks

We’re committed to helping learners achieve their potential through apprenticeships. That’s why we’ve developed a range of full and part apprenticeships at higher, advanced and intermediate level. We also offer supporting qualifications which provide you with the flexibility to create bespoke Progression to Apprenticeship packages for your learners.

Our high quality apprenticeships provide you with everything you’ll need to help learners develop the essential skills and experience to get on in work.

We offer apprenticeships across a range of sectors:

  • Business, Administration and Law
  • Education and Training
  • Leisure, Travel and Tourism
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Retail and Commercial Enterprise
  • Health, Public Services and Care
  • Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies.

For more details about the elements that make up an apprenticeship framework visit our apprenticeship framework components page.

Supporting you.

At NCFE, we’re dedicated to providing you with exceptional customer service and exceeding your expectations. We also understand that any time you spend dealing with us is time you’d prefer to spend helping learners. This is why we provide unrivalled customer service to make sure that working with us is quick and easy.

If you'd like to deliver our apprenticeships, please get in touch on 0191 240 8833 or [email protected]

Go back to Apprenticeships

Our Apprenticeships cover the following sectors:

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies

Business, Administration and Law

Leisure, Travel and Tourism

Information and Communication Technology

Retail and Commercial Enterprise

Education and Training

Apprenticeship Frameworks

Our guide to Apprenticeship Frameworks.

Download PDF

More information

The future of Apprenticeships in England

We recently ran a webinar on the future of Apprenticeships in England. In this webinar we look at what exactly makes an Apprenticeship, what the future looks like for Apprenticeships, facts and figures, NCFE solutions, Functional Skills and resources.

Well Associates on NCFE Apprenticeships

Check out our case study with Well Associates on how they run our Apprenticeship programmes.

NCFE Webinar: Trailblazers and end point assessment explained

Take a look at our new Webinar, explaining Trailblazers and end point assessment.

If you would like to deliver our apprenticeships please get in touch on
0191 240 8833 or [email protected]