I’d like to start by wishing you and your school a Happy New Year for 2013.
Following on from last month’s newsletter, I can tell you that we’ve already started receiving requests to run the new V Cert qualifications.
The V Certs will be live from September 2013. They’ll be included in the 2015 Key Stage 4 headline performance tables and will be equivalent to one GCSE.
Over the next few months we’ll be working with schools and other organisations to help develop supporting resources for these great new qualifications. We’re also currently developing a new website to support the roll-out of the support for the new V Cert qualifications. We’ll be sure to keep you up to date as soon as the resources become available for use. If you’d like to run any of these qualifications, please contact us on 0191 239 8000 or to see more information on our website please click here.
What will happen to the existing range of NCFE vocational qualifications?
Despite the removal of headline performance points from all other existing vocational qualification, the qualifications will remain fundable and valuable to schools. With this in mind, it’s no wonder there is continued interest in our existing range of qualifications.
Many schools have often described to us about the benefits of delivering our vocational qualifications to a range of school pupils. Pupils with varying abilities and levels of motivation have been really engaged by these qualifications. Teachers we’ve spoken to often place particular emphasis on words such as ‘engagement’, ‘motivation’ and ‘relevance to pupil development’. These descriptions describe the true root benefit of vocational qualifications.
It’s really encouraging to see many of you, like The Heath School are continuing to get real value and pupil engagement from our wide range of existing vocational qualifications.
IIP Gold Standard
I'd like to finish by sharing some good news from NCFE – we’ve recently achieved Investors in People Gold Standard, a high accolade which represents world class best practice in business.
We’re delighted to join the 600 organisations nationally who hold the gold standard and we believe that it truly demonstrates our ambition and commitment to achieving high performance through people and delivering exceptional customer service.