As news is released reporting on England’s low results in literacy and numeracy, NCFE is working to provide solutions to colleges allowing flexibility and a tailored approach to offering Maths and English qualifications.
A study by OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) has shown how England’s 16 to 24 year olds are falling behind their Asian and European counterparts - ranking 22nd for literacy and 21st for numeracy.
However, the study also showed that there are 8.5 million adults in England and Northern Ireland with lower than average numeracy levels.
The 2011 Skills for Life survey also found that those with the poorest skills made the least progress in English and Maths over the previous 10 years. Research found that 8 million adults lack functional maths and 5 million don’t have functional English skills; efforts ‘tended to be focussed on those who needed the least amount of support to gain Maths and English qualifications.'
The government are now looking at proposals to improve numeracy and literacy for 16-18 year olds as well as adult learners, specifically looking at how qualifications can be developed to support those who do not have a good GCSE in the subject.
NCFE is developing a solution to this; we're preparing to launch over 100 accredited qualifications in maths and English, which you can mix and match depending on your learners needs.
In learning, one size does not fit all as has now been discovered and at NCFE we understand that not everyone learns in the same way. That’s why we’re providing flexible maths and English qualifications which allow you to tailor your learning programmes.
Literacy and numeracy skills are essential for progressing within education and entering employment. Providing clear progression routes from Entry Level 1 through to Level 2 and on to GCSE and Level 2 Functional Skills is certainly a step in the right direction to improving the skills gap we’re currently seeing in these areas.
To find out more about our suite of English and maths qualifications contact us on 0191 239 8000, the team would be more than happy to help.