The future of Apprenticeships

By: admin

Wednesday 30 October 2013

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The government has recently published an implementation plan called The Future of Apprenticeships in England which will give employers a stronger power in the design and delivery of Apprenticeships. These plans are a result of the Holt and Richard Review of Apprenticeships, which took place last year.

All Apprenticeships that fall under the current framework will be replaced with new qualifications written by employers and other professional bodies. The new qualifications will have a minimum 12 month duration, with no exceptions.

Requirements for English and Maths elements "will be stepped up gradually" as the government continue their push on the importance of basic Maths and English skills. It's claimed the changes will simplify the Apprenticeship system, as the grading changes to 'pass', 'merit' and 'distinction and thorough independent assessment.

Alongside this, a National Apprenticeship Council will be implemented and "run by young people with elected representatives to spread peer to peer messages".

The funding for Apprenticeships will also be changing, and this is likely to be announced later this year. 

What do you think of these changes? Will they improve the quality of Apprenticeships and give learners a better experience?

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