The ‘Whitehead Review’ of vocational qualifications

By: Andrew Gladstone-Heighton

Policy Leader

Friday 08 November 2013

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Nigel Whitehead, UKCES Commissioner, has published his recommendations regarding the future of vocational qualifications. The review provides a vision and strategy, looking at how we can ensure that vocational qualifications are valued as worthwhile investments, enabling individuals to progress in their careers and employers to grow their businesses and improve their competitiveness.

The review states that vocational qualifications should be relevant to individuals and employers, affordable, matched to skills needs, rigorous, and based upon a robust future-looking occupational standard.

In order for this to happen, Whitehead has proposed a number of actions including encouraging more leading employers to work in partnership to develop relevant vocational qualifications. It’s suggested within the review that awarding organisations and training providers should be required to actively engage with employers in sectors in which they develop and deliver vocational qualifications.

You can read the review in more detail here.

What do you think of the proposals? Do you think they are taking vocational qualifications in the right direction?


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