English and maths qualifications are still very much the topic of discussion at the moment, with more and more employers coming forward asking for new recruits to have these basic skills before all others.
Of course, this is not the first time that low levels of literacy and numeracy have been brought to the forefront of discussions, with reports in October by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) showing how England’s 16 to 24 year olds are falling behind their Asian and European counterparts.
To help improve skills within these core subjects a number of government initiatives have been introduced: from making pupils continue to study maths and English, to also raising of the participation age in education and training in England to 17 in 2013/14 and in 2015 raising this again to 18.
NCFE supports these changes, but we also want to make sure that high quality vocational qualifications still has a place within the education system as well as academic qualifications.
Every learner is different and at NCFE we recognise that everyone learns at different paces and in different ways. That’s why I’m pleased to let you know we’ve developed a suite of over 100 maths and English qualifications which you can tailor to meet your individual learners needs.
For young adult learners our suite of qualifications provides clear progression routes from Entry Level 1 through to Level 2 and on to GCSE and Level 2 Functional Skills. The qualifications are split into manageable chunks and so make it easier for the learner to focus on the skills they need in order to improve.
The good news is all of our maths and English qualifications are eligible for funding on Section 96 and the Skills Funding Agency’s – Funding Rates Catalogue.
What’s more, to help support you in the assessment of the English and maths qualifications, we’ve provided free sample assessment papers. The papers can be used to assess learners, provide them with feedback and help to ‘plug the gaps’ in their learning to build up evidence within their portfolio.
For further information or to register for our Maths and English qualifications contact your dedicated Centre Support Assistant on 0191 239 8000 or you can check out our English and maths page.