
By: David Grailey

Chief Executive

Monday 13 May 2013

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Apprenticeships, Apprenticeships, Apprenticeships... certainly the topic of conversation consuming the world of education at present.

A recent survey carried out by Government has shown that employers rated apprentices more highly in comparison to university graduates, rating apprentices 15% more employable than those with other qualifications. These findings have been welcomed by Minister for Skills, Matthew Hancock who claimed taking a higher apprenticeship could boost a young person’s lifetime earning by more than £150,000.Construction Apprenticeship

And for centres, there has been positive news regarding the Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (AGE) available for 16-24-year-old learners.

The eligibility rule to this is for centres to ensure that the employers they work with, prior to claiming AGE, are aware they will only be eligible to receive the grant once their apprentice has completed 13 weeks ‘in learning’ and employment with them.

At NCFE, we understand the importance of finding the right learning route for every individual and we understand that not one size fits all. It’s therefore, essential that we embrace the wide variety of skills of all young people and find the right route for them – helping them to make the leap from education into the workplace.

This is where NCFE Apprenticeships can help! NCFE offers high quality, high standard Apprenticeships all aimed at helping young people boost their skills, confidence and ultimately find sustained employment.

We offer over 40 Apprenticeships in a number of different sectors:- Business Administration & Law, Education & Training, Health, Public Services & Care, Leisure, Travel & Tourism, Information and Communication Technology and Retail and Commercial Enterprise, you can search for all of our Apprenticeship packages online using our product finder,

NCFE is committed to providing you with easy access to a variety of useful resources and support to help you with the delivery of NCFE Apprenticeships. We’ve recently launched learning resources for our Health and Social Care and Childcare Apprenticeships, allowing us to provide our customers with a complete package. These resources are free to NCFE customers who have registered (or will be registering) learners on the specific qualifications within these Apprenticeship packages.

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