Blog Archives: June 2013

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Teachers to face a rise in working hours

By Lindsay Plumpton, Communications Leader, Thursday 20 June 2013

Michael Gove has proposed an increase in working hours for teachers, suggesting that limits of 1,265 hours a year should be scrapped. The department has made a submission to the School Teachers’ Review Body, which it must consult before changing pay and conditions. The reaction from the union has been one of outrage, suggesting that the Education Secretary is destroying teaching as an “attractive profession” and “adding fuel to the fire of anger that already exists among teachers.”

Creating creative futures with vocational qualifications

By David Grailey, Chief Executive, Tuesday 18 June 2013

Creativity and imagination are integral to the development and enrichment of young minds – shaping the way they look at the world and helping them to express themselves. Something that we are very passionate about here at NCFE. For the past few months I’ve continued to keep you posted on our V Cert qualification development and in February we gave you an update on where we were at with the first stage of the pilot project with schools. Throughout March, April and May participating schools have continued to work with us to review the content of the new qualifications and where possible deliver a selection of sample units to their pupils. We really wanted to give schools the opportunity to explore what we’d developed to help ensure that the qualifications really do help to maintain creativity within the core curriculum and continue to engage pupils.

Link between low take-up of vocational qualifications and high levels of unemployment

By David Grailey, Chief Executive, Tuesday 18 June 2013

A recent report, commissioned by independent education charity, the Edge Foundation, has established a link between low take-up of vocational courses in Britain and high levels of youth unemployment. In the UK, one in five (21%) young people were out of work in 2012 in contrast to just 9.5% in the Netherlands. Interestingly, in the UK only 32% chose vocational options in upper secondary education compared with 67% in the Netherlands. Is this link significant?

New-look GCSEs unveiled

By Lindsay Plumpton, Communications Leader, Tuesday 11 June 2013

GCSEs in England are set to be overhauled, with exams graded from 8 to 1 rather than A* to G. It is proposed that the new-style exams will be brought in from 2015 and will spell the end of continuous assessment with a move towards final exams. Students will face more rigorous content and the format will be similar to O-Levels. The reforms will initially apply to a group of 9 core subjects.

A recent report, commissioned by independent education charity, the Edge Foundation, has established a link between a low take-up of vocational courses in Britain and high levels of youth unemployment. In the UK, one in five (21%) young people were out of work in 2012 in contrast to just 9.5% in the Netherlands. Interestingly, in the UK only 32% chose vocational options in upper secondary education compared with 67% in the Netherlands.


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