Providing learners with quality and employability

By: David Grailey

Chief Executive

Monday 16 September 2013

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As we enter into the new academic year there is a noticeable theme coming from the industry surrounding “quality” and “employability”.

The government promote that every learner should receive a quality education, but what does the term quality in this sense mean?  A good learning experience?  An excellent and friendly tutor?  Or providing the right qualifications to the right learner, which are at the right standard to help that learner progress in their career and life.

Quality is a key theme within Study Programmes for 16-19 year olds – helping to provide learners with the best opportunity to move into further education or employment.  There is also the emphasis within Study Programmes that centres are to offer qualifications which add value to the learner’s experience and ultimately make them more employable.

Taking all of this into consideration training providers are now faced with the responsibility of giving learners ‘added value’ in addition to core curriculum, making learners more enterprising, successful and employable as well as enhancing their personal and social skills.  These combined will increase the quality of a learners education experience so when they finish their studies they leave as well rounded individuals ready to take on their next challenge.

As well as offering the breadth and depth of learning, offering ‘additionality’ qualifications is also a way for providers to differentiate their offer in a competitive marketplace. 

Value added vocational additionalities is a strength of NCFE’s portfolio designed to be engaging and motivating as well as offering the potential to differentiate learners from the competition in the jobs market.  Qualifications such as Employability, Enterprise, Learning to Learn and Interpersonal Skills can help learners to maximise their skills, develop a work ready attitude and be ready for opportunities that come their way.

Walsall College is an example of a college that has done this and gained recognition from Ofsted for adding an additional layer of quality to their curriculum. The report stated that “broader aptitudes such as communication, team working and problem solving are developed extremely well and significantly enhance students’ prospects of employment.”

NCFE can help you to add quality to your curriculum and your vocational qualification delivery. Please just get in touch on 0191 239 8000 to find out more.

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