Rising Stars - My journey so far - Ben McQuade

By: Ben McQuade

NCFE Rising Star

Tuesday 21 October 2014

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I applied for the scheme because I wanted to learn more in-depth about programming. I think it's every young boy's dream to become a game developer, and the same could be said for me!

From a young age, I always involved with games, mostly through my uncle, and I decided that if I made one of these games it would be so much better.

This love of gaming then went on to become more PC orientated and before long, I was trying to code my own little games. However, my lack of knowledge left me wanting to learn more and become the best at it.

Before coming to NCFE, I completed my first year at Newcastle Sixth Form College studying Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry, after being pushed a bit by family to go down the traditional academic route. Surprisingly enough, I only took these options due to them being the subjects I did the best in at secondary school. I knew from the very start that it wasn't for me and I felt like I was just back at school again (and I hated school!). I saw the year out but started looking for another option. Baltic Training notified me about the Academy and potential Apprenticeship opportunity at NCFE and I knew that it was perfect for me, a chance to pursue a love of mine and actually have a career in it.

After attending the interviews and being successful, my 15 weeks of boot camp started before I knew it. NCFE was the total opposite from what I was expecting. In my head, I was walking into a boring 15 week course that I would just have to stick out until I could move on. I have never been so wrong. From my first day, the staff here have been so friendly. Being invited straight away to play football every week was crazy. I hadn't known these people a week and I already felt like part of the family.

The building itself is as great as the people inside it, with a huge open plan layout, two tea and coffee stations on every floor, a games room and a fantastic café.

My personal favourite part of the course would have to be the classroom build. Because the course is so in-depth in the fourth week, we were given a budget and were asked to go out and buy things that we thought we would need to build up our own classroom. We all went out and gathered our equipment and when we came in the next day, we were given some laptops and PCs etc in order to cable in and make our own classroom!

It felt strange that in just 4 weeks I had learnt how to set up a system which was potentially better than the one used in my secondary school, and had the same knowledge as the technicians who managed it.

I'm nearing the halfway point in my course now and already have four qualifications under my belt including 2 Microsoft qualifications! So for the past couple of weeks, my favourite saying is "I'm a Microsoft Technical Associate you know."

This kind of work based training is by far the best option for me and my only disappointment is that I didn't get the chance to do it earlier. NCFE is the perfect place to work and Baltic have provided the best tuition I've had in my fourteen or so years of education.

I would recommend this programme to anyone, and think it should be available in every career and not just IT. 

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