Apprenticeship start numbers: The good and the bad.

By: Marcus Ridley

Communications Assistant

Thursday 11 December 2014

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Figures recently released by the Skills Funding Agency  (SFA) detail a fall in the overall number of new apprentice starts for the second consecutive year.

The SFA report showed a fall of nearly 70,000 in the number of new all-age apprentices for 2013-14 compared to the previous year. The 25+ age group bore the brunt of the drop, seeing numbers decrease from 230,300 to 161,600 (-29.8%) this year. The 19-24 age group also contributed to the dip in numbers, with 2.8% less new apprentices this year compared to 2012-13.

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) attributed the falling numbers in adult apprenticeship starts down to the introduction of the 24+ Advanced Learning Loans. A BIS spokesperson said: “as soon as it became clear that loans were not the preferred route for employers or prospective apprentices we decided to remove apprenticeships from the loans programme. As such we look forward to seeing this trend reverse in future and a boost to the number of adult apprentices.

“We are reforming the funding of all apprenticeships to put employers in the driving seat and ensure apprenticeships deliver the skills businesses need to grow and compete. More than 1,000 employers are now involved in designing high quality apprenticeships as part of the successful trailblazers initiative.”

A silver lining to the report was the healthy growth in start number for the 16 to 18 age group which is continuing to recover with a recorded increase of 4.6%.

Although these figures paint a worrying picture, with all 3 major political parties outlining apprenticeships as integral to their future plans for sustaining economic growth, these numbers are expected to take an upward curve in the coming years. The trajectory of this curve, however, will come down to the next government’s ability to offer more flexibility for colleges and employers to help them work closer together in  providing fit-for-purpose apprenticeships that meet the needs of the local labour market.

At NCFE we look forward to working with you to meet future demands for high quality Apprenticeships and vocational qualifications. Find out more about NCFE apprenticeships

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