Blog Archives: April 2014

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The Future of Apprenticeships in England

By Andrew Gladstone-Heighton, Policy Leader, Wednesday 30 April 2014

NCFE has been hard at work on our response to this important consultation which has now been submitted to the Government. So, what did we have to say?

Preparing learners for life after education

By , Tuesday 22 April 2014

Employability is still a hot topic in the education sector as the jobs market remains tough and competitive. Much of the focus is on how prepared learners are for job applications and interviews from school onwards. The first step in any job application is writing the perfect CV. Many young people feel they are not prepared for this due to the exclusion of employability and preparation for life and work modules in mandatory school curriculums.

Funding update

By David Grailey, Chief Executive, Tuesday 22 April 2014

Welcome back from what I hope was a great Easter for you. On 10 April, I blogged about the funding relating to NCFE’s 13 credit qualifications recently exempted by the SFA. I’ve had a query about funding relating to these qualifications for the next academic year. The issue is linked to the change in classification from full to non-full for the 13 and 14 credit qualifications that have recently been confirmed as funded in 2014/15 despite the fact they are below the 15 credit threshold for full level 2.

Preparing for the next school year

By David Grailey, Chief Executive, Tuesday 22 April 2014

The wait is over, the discount (classification) codes for qualifications that will count in the 2014 Key Stage 4 Performance tables have now been published. We know from speaking with many of you that the publication of discount code information is really important to you so for ease, we’ve listed the V Cert discount codes for the next 3 years on our website. You can also find the full list of all codes for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 tables together with guidance by visiting the RAISEonline website.

Policy Corner - 17 April 2014

By Andrew Gladstone-Heighton, Policy Leader, Thursday 17 April 2014

Each week I’ll be sharing my summary of what’s been reported in the education media (looking at publications such as FE Week and the TES). Would very much welcome your thoughts and comments on any of the news stories mentioned! Traineeship figures ‘deeply disappointing’

Michael Gove calls for a battle against illiteracy

By Brigid Farrell, Work Experience student, Monday 14 April 2014

Talking to the British Chambers of Commerce Conference in April this year, Education Secretary Michael Gove said that the UK should regard the battle against illiteracy in the UK in the same way as a developing country may treat malaria. Mr Gove stated that “we need to ensure we eliminate illiteracy and innumeracy in Britain in the same way as developing nations know they need to secure clean drinking water and eliminate malaria if their children are to flourish.”

Tougher GCSEs for arts subjects

By Lindsay Plumpton, Communications Leader, Monday 14 April 2014

It’s been reported that A-levels and GCSEs in arts subjects in England, including music, drama, art and dance, are set to be made more "rigorous and demanding". The tougher exams will come into play from September 2016 as part of the Government's programme of exam reform. GCSEs in history, geography, sciences and modern languages are also being revised to bring them into line with English literature, English language and maths.

More funding updates

By David Grailey, Chief Executive, Thursday 10 April 2014

As we continue to update you on the latest developments with the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) and the new funding rules for 2014-15, I have further news to share. Over 5,000 adult vocational courses are set to be cut in order to simplify and streamline the adult skills system in England; with approximately £200m of the department’s adult skills budget now be re-directed towards what the Government considers to be the `most relevant` qualifications.


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