Employability is still a hot topic in the education sector as the jobs market remains tough and competitive. Much of the focus is on how prepared learners are for job applications and interviews from school onwards.
The first step in any job application is writing the perfect CV. Many young people feel they are not prepared for this due to the exclusion of employability and preparation for life and work modules in mandatory school curriculums.
The unemployment rate among 16-17 year olds has risen steadily since the beginning of the millennium and is still worrying, with 36.6% of 16-17 year olds jobless. This has been blamed on the lack of preparation young students receive for life after school.
This is why it is vital that young people are prepared with employability skills long before they enter the world of work. The NCFE Level 1 Award in CV Writing can help learners prepare for the first step of employment by giving them the necessary skills required to write a tailored and effective CV.
The qualification is suitable for learners of all ages, but would be particularly useful to those in their later years of school as it provides an introduction to CV writing for those who may have never written one before. What’s more, the qualification is fundable for pre-16 learners under Section 96.
Students will finish the qualification with the knowledge of what a CV is and how to create a CV with information relevant to jobs they are applying for, as well as the importance of references and how to choose referees. The qualification is assessed by submission of a CV to ensure learners have successfully acquired the relevant knowledge.
The qualification will help learners prepare for their first job applications and ensure they have the knowledge to create a CV that will communicate their suitability for roles they may be applying for. Additionally, following the completion of this qualification, students will be able to progress onto REED NCFE employability qualifications such as:
- Level 1 and 2 Certificate and Award in Employability Skills
- Level 1 and 2 Certificate and Award in Job Search and Employability Skills.
Here at NCFE we believe that learners should be equipped with the mindset and knowledge to take the step from learning into work, which is why these qualifications have been developed. In addition, the REED NCFE partnership aims to help learners step from learning into work.
REED NCFE’s ‘next generation’ qualifications are designed specifically to prepare learners not only with the skills and knowledge to successfully secure employment, but also the required mindset, which employers have been shown to value above other qualities.
Find out more about this qualification.