Funding update

By: David Grailey

Chief Executive

Tuesday 22 April 2014

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Welcome back from what I hope was a great Easter for you.

On 10 April, I blogged about the funding relating to NCFE’s 13 credit qualifications recently exempted by the SFA. I’ve had a query about funding relating to these qualifications for the next academic year. The issue is linked to the change in classification from full to non-full for the 13 and 14 credit qualifications that have recently been confirmed as funded in 2014/15 despite the fact they are below the 15 credit threshold for full level 2.

This change does not impact upon the co-funded rate providers receive next year for adult learners and this will be paid at the same value as this academic year. The only exception are 19-23 year olds with a prior attainment below level 2; they will no longer be able to get the fully funded rate for the qualifications under 15 credits, but this is expected to be a tiny proportion of learners so it’s unlikely to create any significant issues for providers.

The funding mechanism (and rates) are the same for 2014/15 as 2013/14 so you should see no variance in your income and activity next year. As always with matters of funding, you should confirm this information with the SFA. 

For more information on SFA funding you can contact our dedicated team by emailing [email protected] or calling 0191 239 8000.

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