Preparing for the next school year

By: David Grailey

Chief Executive

Tuesday 22 April 2014

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The wait is over, the discount (classification) codes for qualifications that will count in the 2014 Key Stage 4 Performance tables have now been published.

We know from speaking with many of you that the publication of discount code information is really important to you so for ease, we’ve listed the V Cert discount codes for the next 3 years on our website. You can also find the full list of all codes for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 tables together with guidance by visiting the RAISEonline website.

The good news is that the discount code information also includes the 2016 codes for our newly available V Certs in Business & Enterprise, Computing Technology and Creative Craft.

Remember, once 2 or more qualifications are known to have the same discount code the following guidance as published on RAISEonline will apply:

  1. Where a higher level qualification is taken in the same subject as a lower level qualification, the lower level qualification is not counted.  For example an AS will discount a GCSE.  
  2. Due to the Department for Education early entry policy, where a pupil has more than one qualification in the same subject at the same level, credit will be given to the first one that is taken. The early entry rules will apply to all subjects which count in performance measures from 2015.

Last month, we also told you about the latest information on school performance measures. On the 25 March Mr Gove set out areas in which he would be willing to take forward recent education union suggestions. Within the letter, Mr Gove refers to the new Progress 8 performance measures that will come in from 2016. Responding to fears that the measure could place some schools artificially below the floor standard, Michael Gove writes that “Inspectors will use their professional judgement to determine the extent to which variations in results relate to transitional issues as opposed to school performance”.

Read the full copy of Mr Gove’s published letter.

If you have any queries, you can get in touch with us on 0191 239 8000 or by emailing [email protected] – we’d be more than happy to help. 

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