Blog Archives: May 2014

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Non-academic courses are still valuable to learners

By David Grailey, Chief Executive, Thursday 29 May 2014

In March this year it was announced that around 5,000 adult vocational courses would be cut in order to "simplify and streamline" the adult skills system in England. Skills and Enterprise Minister Matthew Hancock also took to Twitter to announce that the Government will be binning ‘low-value’ courses such as self-tanning, balloon artistry and instructing pole fitness in order to focus on qualifications that employers value. Read my original statement on the subject.

Policy Corner - 28 May 2014

By Andrew Gladstone-Heighton, Policy Leader, Wednesday 28 May 2014

Are you up to the new standards? There’s going to be a new set of professional standards for teachers and trainers in Further Education (FE) – 20 ‘inspirational’ standards based on improving teacher practice are being published by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF).These standards will be referred to by Ofsted in their inspections and in informing their judgements, and aren’t intended to be a prescriptive checklist, but rather ‘to be owned by the teaching workforce…based on the model of the reflective practitioner’.

Health education crucial to pupil progress

By David Grailey, Chief Executive, Friday 23 May 2014

Sec Ed have reported this week that the narrow focus on academia promoted by performance measures and Government policy could be ‘actively harming’ young people’s health and wellbeing. The article calls for PSHE to be made a statutory subject and for “health education” to be integrated into the wider curriculum. The academic group argues that education policy is increasingly encouraging schools to maximise academic attainment at the cost of children’s wellbeing.

The future lies in Renewable Energy

By David Grailey, Chief Executive, Tuesday 20 May 2014

With programmes of study now being developed and integrated into curriculum planning for next year, many of you are looking ahead at what substantial qualifications you can offer your learners. With this in mind, NCFE is dreaming green and has developed some substantial qualifications in Renewable Energy which are regulated and ready for delivery from September 2014. Designed to meet the funding requirements of the Study Programme, these new qualifications are a great addition to our existing 28 substantial qualifications ranging from Uniformed Services to Photography; Business and Sport. 

The use of technology in education and distance learning are the hot topics on everyone’s lips at the moment. With outcomes of the recent Further Education Learning Technology Action Group (FELTAG) report insisting 10% of the content of all publically funded courses should be solely online by the 2015/16, digital methods of teaching and learning have never looked more appealing. Opinion on the delivery of qualifications via digital means is divided, however. Some have suggested that distance learning opens doors to learners who don’t have the financial means or physical ability to attend courses at educational institutions, such as Ruth Womak, a learner with physical and mental conditions that made it difficult to take on a full educational course without additional help.

A call to action over diversity

By Marcus Ridley, Communications Assistant, Monday 19 May 2014

Campaigners working to address the lack of diversity in children’s books have taken their fight online to help raise awareness of equality and diversity issues. The social media campaign, led by a group of authors including Ellen Oh, Aisha Saeed and Chelsea Pitcher, has been launched with a public “call to action”, encouraging people to go online to support the push for great diversity in children’s literature.

Supporting pupils through the Summer

By David Grailey, Chief Executive, Monday 19 May 2014

The length of summer holidays in England is at the centre of an ongoing debate, with many valid points being made both for and against the holidays being reduced. From September 2014, state schools will be given the same power as academies, voluntary-aided and free schools in England and will be able to change the length of their school year. Headteachers are amongst those who appears to be encouraging the change to the summer break to ease the pressure on teachers. The NAHT union has proposed allocating more holidays throughout the year to replace the long summer break, which is being described as “the most significant move so far towards altering school terms on a widespread scale”.


Accredited training compulsory for care workers

By Lindsay Plumpton, Communications Leader, Tuesday 06 May 2014

Care Minister Norman Lamb has appealed that we ‘drive up standards’ in the care profession following an independent review which has highlighted inconsistencies in training. In a new scheme set to be launched in March 2015, care workers will have to earn a training certificate within 12 weeks of starting a job and topics will include infection control, dementia care and patient dignity.



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