The future lies in Renewable Energy

By: David Grailey

Chief Executive

Tuesday 20 May 2014

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With programmes of study now being developed and integrated into curriculum planning for next year, many of you are looking ahead at what substantial qualifications you can offer your learners.

With this in mind, NCFE is dreaming green and has developed some substantial qualifications in Renewable Energy which are regulated and ready for delivery from September 2014. Designed to meet the funding requirements of the Study Programme, these new qualifications are a great addition to our existing 28 substantial qualifications ranging from Uniformed Services to Photography; Business and Sport. 

We are particularly excited about these new qualifications as they are STEM based subjects, opening up huge opportunities to learners. Learners with STEM skills are said to have excellent long term career prospects and are currently heavily in demand within the job market.

What’s more, people with these skills can make a significant contribution to many of the big challenges facing society today - from inventing new technologies in order to reduce carbon emissions to developing new energy sources, to protecting rare species of animals.

The renewable energy industry is a growing sector and over the coming years it’s a sector which is reportedly only going to get bigger. A key focus within government, it’s of increasing importance that we have a highly skilled, motivated workforce in this area.

The NCFE qualifications combine subjects of renewable energy and engineering to create a programme of study unique to NCFE which allows learners to develop core skills around engineering and energy generation, and choose from a range of optional units based on their interests and/or career paths. The qualifications also offer a large range of progression routes.

Of course we’d like to help you in all areas of the Study Programme, not just through our substantial qualifications. For example, our suite of over 100 bitesize, fundable maths and English qualifications as well as our short qualifications which help to add structure to learners’ work experience placements.

We also understand that as much as it is important for learners to leave education with subject specific skills (such renewable energy), it’s also important to give learners the skills they need to apply for and secure a job. That’s why we have teamed up with recruitment giant Reed to offer a number of REED NCFE qualifications in searching for jobs, developing interview techniques and honing those all-important soft employability skills.

Find out more about our Study Programme offer and explore the employability qualifications on the REED NCFE website.

We know that there’s a lot to consider when planning programmes of study and we want to support you in any way we can, so if you would like to arrange for one of our Business Development team to visit you and talk through our offer in more detail please email [email protected] and we’ll arrange a place and time to discuss further.

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