Upskilling the Health and Social Care sector

By: David Grailey

Chief Executive

Thursday 12 June 2014

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There’s no doubt about it, the Health and Social Care sector is a growing industry, employing millions of front line staff delivering care to vulnerable people in society. But are these staff adequately trained and qualified to do the tasks that are expected of them?

It’s a hotly debated topic which has caused controversy across the sector following the recent independent Cavendish review which has highlighted inconsistencies in training.

The review suggests that all healthcare assistants and social care support workers should undergo the same basic training, based on the best practice that already exists in the system, and must gain a standard ‘certificate of fundamental care’ before they can care for people unsupervised.Hsc Blog In Text

The new scheme is set to be launched in March 2015 and care workers will have to earn a training certificate within 12 weeks of starting a job. Topics will include infection control, dementia care and patient dignity.

The review (carried out in the wake of the Stafford Hospital scandal) looked at the support given to care workers and found that many in the profession are completing complex tasks (usually carried out by doctors and nurses) without the correct training. In fact, there are 1.3 million staff who are not qualified as nurses but yet deliver the same kind of care.

It’s hoped that by bringing in a mandatory certificate, it will standardise training across the profession and make a real difference to the quality of care that people receive.

At NCFE, we applaud the one million care workers across Britain who do such a difficult and worthwhile job, devoting their lives to helping vulnerable people in society. These workers often work 12 hour shifts and on average, are paid at 3 levels below a newly qualified nurse. It’s integral that they’re fully supported to do their jobs effectively – after all, they have people’s lives in their hands!  

We offer a number of accredited, fundable qualifications in the Health and Social Care sector, which are recognised as part of the mandatory training including Awards and Certificates in Infection Control, Dementia Care, Safe Handling of Medicines, End of Life Care, Working in the Health Sector and more. These qualifications are highly popular across care homes and hospices filling a crucial skills gap in this area.

To find out more, check out our portfolio of qualifications in the Health and Social Care sector or give us a call on 0191 239 8000.

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