VQ Day 2014

By: David Grailey

Chief Executive

Wednesday 04 June 2014

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Today is the 7th annual VQ day celebrating vocational achievement and the benefits of practical, technical and vocational learning.

Vocational qualifications have never been more important to the economy and to individuals. They help to equip the trained, talented employees businesses are crying out for and ensure young people have the skills needed to succeed in education and work. The government is also investing in vocational routes and acknowledging their value. Vocational Qualifications are being recognised as they can really enhance a learners life and their chance of getting into work.

Vocational Qualifications don’t always have to be a full Apprenticeship or qualifications with high guided learning hours. Awareness qualifications are something which are very popular and can really help learners top up their knowledge or expand their portfolio of learning. Qualifications such as Substance Misuse Awareness and Alcohol Awareness can provide the skills to help learners prepare for different and sometimes difficult situations which may occur both in their personal and professional lives.

Of course, getting learners into work is high on everyone’s agenda and there are a huge range of Employability qualifications which are always growing in popularity due to their ever increasing relevance.

VQ Day is only so successful due to the hundreds of schools, colleges, work-based providers and learners getting involved across the country. VQ Day 2013 was a great success; over 400 schools, colleges and work-based providers got involved in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and we want to support VQ Day 2014 to be better again! You can download their Evaluation Report to find out more.

To find out more about NCFE qualifications or if you’d like to speak to one of the team call 0191 239 8000 or email [email protected], we’d love to hear from you.

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