Transitioning from school to FE

By: admin

Friday 11 September 2015

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As the new academic year begins, you’ll have a new influx of fresh-faced school leavers embarking on the next stage not only of their education, but also of their life. College is going to be completely new to these learners, so how can you support them in making the successful transition from school to Further Education?

Whether your new learners are taking A Levels, a Traineeship, an Apprenticeship, or another vocational option, it’s important to understand what their aims and ambitions are. However, many young people are still confused about what they want to do after leaving education, and it’s vital they’re supported with making that choice throughout their education.

Young people are often not fully informed on their choices upon leaving school, and many may have stuck to the academic path because it’s the only one they know. They might find the step up difficult, and discover it’s not right for them. Your learners should be made aware that, if the academic route of A Levels doesn’t suit them, it’s not too late to make a change. Re-engaging learners who drop out and providing them with an alternative pathway shows that they’re capable of achieving their goals when their course or qualifications are suited to their style of learning.

Supporting your new learners in making the transition from school to Further Education doesn’t just help them to settle in to college; it can also help you understand the aims and needs of your learners, and can shape your provision for the future, ensuring you’re equipped with everything you need to support a diverse range of learners making the first steps in their careers.

We’ve often spoken about the importance of quality careers advice, and having this readily available can make your learners feel supported as they begin to make some of the biggest decisions of their lives. However, we understand that, in the midst of continuing cuts to Further Education colleges and provision, it’s not always possible to have a dedicated careers service at your college.

Fellow educational charity Teach First has stressed the importance of teachers and tutors being equipped to provide thorough careers advice, embedding this across all learning provision. Furthermore, learners can get a taster of a wealth of careers available to them through Occupational Studies, and we can help them prepare to make the step into working life with our employability qualifications, including job search and CV writing.

Our new careers advice hub – CareerHow – is also a valuable tool that learners can use for guidance on what they can do with their existing qualifications, which qualifications they need to pursue their preferred career and where they can study these. It will also give an insight into jobs within different industries and how to get into each sector, the earning potential, the positives and the genuine pitfalls.

Young people should be prepared for the next steps in education at school, with clear information and guidance on the options available to them, both vocational and academic. However, much research has shown that school leavers are still uninformed on the alternative routes through education they can take. That’s why learners who feel college isn’t right for them after they’ve started can still be re-engaged before they drop out fully.

How do you support your learners in the transition from school to college? Do you think more should be done to prepare school leavers for Further Education? Let us know your thoughts!

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