Blog Archives: December 2017

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Imminent – but not yet: the ongoing apprenticeships non-levy tender saga

By Paul Turner, Futures Leader, Wednesday 20 December 2017

Over the summer of 2017, bid writers, providers and specialist contractors met in huddled groups to prepare their submissions for the second attempt at accessing non-levy apprenticeship funding - £650m of funding to be exact. The first attempt earlier in the year was cancelled with comments that it hadn’t been clearly thought through, and with more submissions than expected coming in being mooted, as well as others being used. Subsequently, and after the snap general election, it was relaunched with a very tight deadline of a few weeks, over a period of time when most skills provider staff were due to be taking a well-earned summer rest and recharge of the batteries in time for the start of the new academic year. That was not to be – 10,000 words were required to determine the future of many organisations.

Another ‘T’ level teaser

By Mick Fletcher, FE Policy Analyst, Wednesday 13 December 2017

There are many mysteries about the government’s approach to developing ‘T’ levels, the most fundamental of which must be what is meant by the word ‘technical’.  Sometimes it seems to refer to technician level occupations that require sub-degree level qualifications; at other times, it is used interchangeably with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and at still others seems to mean vocational.  Greater clarity over such a key concept would certainly aid implementation. Less fundamental but even more baffling is the decision that there will be no T levels developed for 4 of the technical routes identified by Lord Sainsbury.  Sainsbury ‘expected’ that these routes would be primarily delivered through apprenticeships though neglected to say why.  Government has had at least 3 formal opportunities to shed light on the issue – in the post-16 skills plan, in the T level action plan, and in the latest consultation paper – but has conspicuously failed to offer any explanation on each occasion.

Learning Curve Group Retain Education Business of the Year Award

By Kievah Wallace, PR and Social Media Officer, Tuesday 12 December 2017

NCFE partner, Learning Curve Group (LCG), has successfully defended the prestigious ‘Education Business of the Year’ award, winning for the second year running at the EducationInvestor Awards. The awards, hosted by Sir Anthony Seldon, a leading contemporary historian, educationalist, commentator and political author and vice-chancellor of The University of Buckingham, was held at London’s Hilton Park Lane in a glittering affair with over 150 businesses in attendance.


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